Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I have been busy, busy, busy. I now have 3 screenplays completed. I always have more than one project going at a time. If it comes into my mind I have to at least get some notes down on it.
The 3 that are finished are 'Not By Looking', 'Scotty', and 'Gracelyn. Not By Looking is a sci-fi. Scotty and Gracelyn are both dramas, with Gracelyn venturing on the dark side. I'm pleased with the finished products of the latter 2. However, Not By looking would be better as either a pilot for a series or one of a trilogy. There is too much yet to tell with that one.
As stated, I always have more than one thing going at a time. I have at this time several other scripts I'm working on. Eco-Deadly is a full on action/adventure story and Italian Full House is a comedy. These 2 are nearing completion. I have a few others on the back burner for the moment. They're infants, well pre-borns actually. They are nothing more than notes at this time.
Considering I have somehow managed to screw up my final cut pro, and I'm only in chapter 1 of my lesson book, now would be a good time to pull out the screenplay folder and work on my babies.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Sometimes I wish I was married. I used to be, but now I’m not. I haven’t been the second half of a larger whole for a long time. My marriage ended suddenly in 2001. Since then I’ve had one semi-serious relationship. Serious as in I would have spent the rest of my life by his side. Semi as in he had a little problem with fidelity. We were engaged for about a year.
For the past few years I haven’t even went out on a date. It’s not that I haven’t had any offers. I just haven’t had any interest. I find that most men define ‘just friends’ by the same definition as ‘friends with benefits‘. Dating is after all, a process of selecting the one person with whom you want to share the rest of forever with. Am I right?
I could write a book on all the weirdoes that I have been propositioned by. The hardest part would be convincing a publisher that it was actually non-fiction. If it weren’t for the fact that I was present, and awake, I wouldn’t believe it.
First, there’s David. Poor David. He means well. He’s been a good friend. He offered to be my stupid boyfriend, pay all my bills and give me lots of money. His words, not mine. I had been meaning to order one of those, thanks David. No, I didn’t take him up on it. And I told him never to say that to anyone else, ever again. If it were a lesser person they would take him up on it. He deserves better than that. But, then again, if it makes him happy. David also has picked out a house for us and he plans to spend the rest of his life with me. Course, it wasn’t until after he went house shopping that he clued me in on his plans. Forget the fact that we are not even dating.
Donald, now there’s a work of art. I’m just not sure what part of the gallery to hang him. Donald wants to be my sugar daddy. He doesn’t want a relationship. He just wants me to be available when his needs arise. Did I mention, Donald is married? I barely speak to this man at work. I have never seen him outside work. I’ve told him I don’t do those things. I’m trying to be a more Godly person. He should seek out someone else. Donald says the Bible says if you have committed adultery in your heart, you are already guilty of adultery. And since he’s has, on many occasions, committed adultery in his heart with me, then we might as well do it for real. His words. Mine were more like, just because you have committed adultery in your heart, doesn’t mean that I have. Donald is now in love with me and he must stay away so that he doesn’t get “those” feelings when he’s around me. Good.
Most of my friends and both of my daughters are married. I listen and watch them. It reminds me of why I’m not sad to be uninvolved. I’m thoroughly convinced most people don’t have a clue what love truly is.
Love has to start with friendship. Love that doesn’t have friendship is just lust. Lust lasts only as long as that person is hot. Trust is essential to love. Love cannot survive without it. Everyday that love tries to exist without trust it dies a little more until eventually it’s completely gone.
There are many other things that help love thrive. Common ground, a good sense of humor , and patience are very important to love.
What I don’t see very often in most relationships is a sense of individualism. I realize you are taking two and turning them into one to make something new. It is a union of two people. One doesn’t cease to exist because they have joined with another. Quite the contrary, the opposite should be true. Within the bonds of marriage each one should be allowed to grow and mature. It’s not love to think that the other person can have no life outside of you. If you truly love them give them space. They need privacy. They need their own friends. Not everything in their life has to be directly related to you. What they gain from outside interest they bring back to you. It may be that they gain an experience they can share with you. It may be a sense of freedom and renewal, or growth and maturity. It expands them as a person and thereby causes your love to grow. Encourage the one that you love to fully live so that they can fully love you.
I’ve noticed a cell phone can be a modern means of control and harassment. Does your spouse have to jump to every text message, voice mail or call you make? Getting mad because the other person doesn’t answer by the second ring is not love or concern. It’s called not trusting someone. I know couples that have to have the other’s password to their email or myspace. That kind of defeats the purpose of having your own space, doesn’t it? I mean, if it works for both parties, fine. I just don’t see anything wrong with wanting a little privacy, even in a marriage. That doesn’t mean you are doing something you need to hide. It just shows respect as a person.
I don’t understand the need to know everything that is confided in your spouse. As long as the friendship is one that doesn’t threaten the marriage in the first place. What I mean is, if the friend isn’t the opposite gender and they haven’t given you reasonable cause for worry. We were all created to need others. Not everything a friend confides is something they would feel comfortable with anyone else knowing. You should respect that. Just because someone is the center of your universe doesn’t mean you are the only person in their world.
I’ve learned to never say never. For now tho, I’m going to say I am so glad I’m not married.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Allow me to introduce myself, please.
My name is Regina.....aka Zar63 or just plain Reg. As I said on occasion, I am a walking contradiction of myself. Provide me here an opportunity to explain.
I love water, most especially the ocean. I am among the rare few that I know who truly loves the smell of the salty ocean water. I love to be near the water. I also like to be on top of the water. I love boats. I love sailboats and ski boats but you'll never get me on a pair of water skis. I truly enjoy standing on the water's edge and looking out over the horizon. It's as if you are gazing straight into eternity. However, water is one of my biggest phobias and drowning my most prominent nightmare. I fear drowning will be what takes me out of this life and I pray against it.
I do consider myself a people person. I have a need for many friends in my life. However, I also have a deeper need to be left alone at times. I guess it comes from a desire to be more of an observer in life.
I love to travel. I want to see all I can of this world with whatever time is allotted me. I could spend most of my time wandering around as long as I have a place to go home to. I want wings to fly but I still want me feet firmly planted in home. I'm like a bird with roots.
My passion lies in writing. I like to take a blank page and create a world where none existed before. I like to make people laugh. I don't care if they are laughing at me or with me. I try to see the best in every situation, even the most glum. I think that most everything that happens is for some purpose. In almost everything there is something to be learned.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I'm sitting in front of this thing thinking, I really should learn to blog. It's not like I'm completely new to the internet thingie. I've had a mysapace page forever. Ok, so the profile I use now isn't that old. But, the one I had before was put up long before myspace became cool. I had a bunch of friends and they were all cool. Then an acquaintance wanted to join my friend's list, so I let her. She's not cool. She started telling my friends and me how we should live our lives. I deleted her, she got mad. So, I deleted my profile; told all my friends to email me. People don't email anymore. Then, I got smart and put up a secret profile and added all my friends again. Life was cool. She figured out it was me and asked to join my friends list. I blocked her. Life is still cool.

If think you are the acquaintance I spoke of, and you don't like me, you're probably right. It's probably me. You can comment, follow me or whatever. I have the power of delete! This is the life.